Everything looks calm and peaceful in the narrow society of an island, when the childless ‘Lord’ of the island dies in the most unexpected and inexplicable way thus leaving behind an immense property and everyone wondering who will be chosen to inherit all these money. His will, however, does not come without surprises, one of them being that his fortune can only be shared among the four “estates” of the village, i.e., to those four that old man Dikaios did not even want to set eyes on: the president, the police officer, the teacher and the local priest of the community. On one condition will they be entitled to the property; the four letters corresponding to each and every one of them will be read in public within a week. This leaves islanders suspecting and blaming each other. Stories from the past come to light, all four of them have something to be afraid of or hide thus eventually betraying themselves. This is where constant accusations and tragic yet comical incidents start occurring. Indicative cases such as these of fatherless children, unsolved crimes, gambling and and illicit antiquities trade, an ex-porn star, terrorists, heterosexual and homosexual affairs and an abundance of other “activities” previously well-hidden, now come to light one after the other. On top of everything else, one day before the deadline expires, the dead body of a person who seems to know just as much as old man Dikaios did, is found floating at a remote beach of the island. The president, the policeman, the teacher and the priest are the four main suspects…
Starring: Eleni Kastani, Elisavet Konstantinidou, Vladimiros Kiriakidis,Odysseas Papaspiliopoulos, Tania Tripi, Dimitris Tzoumakis, Mixalis Marinos
Playing in alphabetical order: Zeta Douka, Dafni Lamprogianni, Pavlos Orkopoulos, Doretta Papadimitriou, Kostas Triantafyllopoulos, Kostas Falelakis
Participating: Antinoos Almpanis, Mihalis Giannikakis, Alexandros Giannou, Konstantinos Danikas, Toni Dimitriou, Ioanna Pilixou, Solon Tsounis, Poph Christodoulou
As «grand-father Apostolis»: Costas Voutsas
Guest Stars: Mihalis Iatropoulos, Themis Bazaka
Directed by: Christos Dimas
Screenplay: Elena Solomou – Kostis Papadopoulos
Director of Photography: Giorgos Argyroiliopoulos
Sound: Stefanos Efthimiou
Art Direction – Costumes: Kiki Pitta
Make-up Artist: Athena Agathou
Stills Photografer: Alana Zaytseva
Line Producer: George Filias
Production Manager: Errikos Bari
Editing: Giorgos Mavropsaridis
Music: Soumka
Co-Production: Village Films S.A.
Production: Black Orange S.A.
Producer: Yiannis Iakovidis
Distribution: Village Films